Immigration (Visa)
  • Ambulance / Emergency
    +603 4141 3018
  • General line
    +603 4141 3000
  • CHI
  • BM
  • ID

Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur centre is a designated centre to conduct medical check-ups for visa applications for the United Kingdom, Korea & Canada.

Our panel of doctors conducts medical screening tests and examinations required for students, tourists and permanent resident/ immigration visas.

UK Immigration Under 11 (TB Screening)
RM 186.60
Package Price
Make an Appointment
Health Assessment

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
  • 2x Passport Copies
  • 1x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months)
  • Address in UK (University, Residential, office)
UK Immigration Adults (TB Screening)
RM 248.00
Package Price
Make an Appointment
Chest X-Ray
Health Assessment

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
  • 2x Passport Copies
  • 1x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months)
  • Address in UK (University, Residential, office)
UK Immigration Adults (TB Screening) for MARA Scholarship Holders (Male/Female)
Package Price
Make an Appointment
Health Assessment
Chest X-Ray
Blood Test (Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody, Hepatitis C, HIV)

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
  • 2x Passport Copies
  • 2x MARA Scholarship Forms
  • 3x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months)
  • Address in UK (University, Residential, office)
UK Immigration Adults (TB Screening) for JPA Scholarship Holders (Male/Female)
Package Price - Male
Package Price - Female
Make an Appointment
Health Assessment
Chest X-Ray
Blood Test (Hepatitis B Antigen & Antibody, HIV, Syphilis)
Urine drugs (Opiates, Cannabinoids)
Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT) *for female only

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
  • IMM1017E Form (Medical Report, Client Biodata & Summary which contains IME/UCI ID Number)
  • 2x Passport Copies
  • 2x JPA Scholarship Forms
  • 3x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months)
  • Any Previous Chest X-ray and Reports
Korean Visa (TB Screening)
RM 248.00
Package Price
Make an Appointment
Chest X-Ray
Health Assessment

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
  • 1x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months)
Canada Immigration (0-4 Years old)
RM 186.60
Package Price - without Upfront
RM 225.60
Package Price - with Upfront
Make an Appointment
Physical Examination

Documents Required:

  • Valid Original Passport Required
Canada Immigration (5-10 Years old)
RM 221.70
Package Price - without Upfront
RM 260.70
Package Price - with Upfront
Make an Appointment
Physical Examination

Documents Required:

  • 2x Passport Copies
Canada Immigration (11-14 Years old)
RM 300.10
Package Price - without Upfront
RM 339.10
Package Price - with Upfront
Make an Appointment
Physical Examination
Chest X-Ray

Documents Required:

  • IMM1017E Form (Medical Report, Client Biodata & Summary which contains IME/UCI ID Number), if you have received this form
Canada Immigration Above 15
RM 350.10
Package Price - without Upfront
RM 389.10
Package Price - with Upfront
Make an Appointment
Physical Examination
Chest X-Ray
Blood Test (HIV, Syphilis, Serum Creatinine)

Documents Required:

  • 1x Recent Passport Size Photo (within 6 months) for those with IMM1017E form
  • Any Previous Chest X-ray and Reports
See Full List
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Ambulance / Emergency
+603 4141 3018
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