Why Do Breast Self-Examination?
Examining your own breasts helps you to understand your breasts, allowing you to detect changes in the way your breasts look and feel.
Who Should Do It?
All women, young or old, including those who are pregnant, breastfeeding or those who have implants. Men should do it as well.
How To Do It?
Look for changes in size, shape, colour and texture of your skin and nipple
Arms at your side Hands on your hips Arms raised above the head
Feel your breasts while lying down and / or while in the shower
To check the left breast, raise your left arm and use your right hand fingertips to make small circular motions
Use gentle, firm pressure. Make sure to cover the entire breast and underarm in systematic way. Feel for changes and unusual lumps.
Gently squeeze the nipple and watch for any discharge. Repeat the examination for your right breast.
What Changes In My Breasts Should Concern Me?
I Detected Unusual Changes, What Should I Do?
Do not panic – most breast lumps are not cancerous
Make an appointment with a Consultant Breast Surgeon or Oncologist
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