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Selamat Hari Merdeka!
COVID-19 has brought great changes into our lives, but our unwavering Merdeka spirit united us as a nation to fight this pandemic. This Merdeka, let us celebrate the heroic acts of our frontliner...
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Pantai & Gleneagles Nationwide eHealth Launch
Kuala Lumpur, 8th May 2020 – Patients can now have online access to close to 200 specialists, with more to come, at 11 Pantai Hospitals and 4 Gleneagles Hospitals via the newly launched eHealth ...
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Sport Injuries are Common, but Avoidable
Whether recreational or competitive, doing sports involves risks of injury. But this can be easily prevented, if precautions are taken, says Dr. Vejayan Rajoo.
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Beware of ‘Silent-Infection’!
In December 2019, a novel coronavirus, COVID-19 (previously named ‘2019-nCoV’) has caused an outbreak of respiratory illness. It was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and...
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Coronavirus in Children
Children might be vulnerable to COVID-19, a new type of coronavirus emerging late in 2019. Dato' Dr Chen Tse Peng, nephrologist and physician, share some tips.
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Latest radiotherapy facility to treat cancer patients
Gleneagles Hospital Penang launches new radiotherapy facility to treat cancer patients.
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Warriors In Purple Night Run for cancer awareness
More than 1,850 runners became strong advocates for cancer patients and survivors as they took part in the Warriors in Purple 2019 Night Run.
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Breast cancer should not be taken lightly
Breast cancer is a cancer of the breast tissue. It arises from the uncontrollable cell growth of cells in the breast.
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Gleneagles Hospital Penang & Grab Team Up for Patient Convenience
Grab Concierge is now available at Gleneagles Penang!Grab Concierge is a web booking service platform that allows the customer service team of the hospital to arrange and book on-demand trips on behal...
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
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Gleneagles Hospital Penang
Ambulance / Emergency
+604 222 9199
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