Partially Distended Gallbladder in my CT Scan Report | Gleneagles Hospital

Partially Distended Gallbladder in my CT Scan Report

Dec 15, 2023, 09:38 PM
Hi, I am 37 years old, Male. I did my stomach and colon scoping in Nov'23 due to pain on my abdomen (left side below). I realized that in my CT Scan Report, there shown as "Partially Distended Gallbladder". After further checking in google, it connected me to Pancreatic Cancer. Should I worry I will have Pancreatic Cancer due to my partially Distended Gallbladder? What further checking should I proceed? My CT Scan Report shown normal on my Pancreas. But I had read some article that sometimes it is very difficult to detect early stage Pancreatic Cancer. What should I do now? Please help.

At the meantime i will consult my Doctor on my next follow up appointment but I would like to know what should I do as of now. Cannot wait until that day because I am very worry.

Mr. Kirubakaran A/L Malapan
Resident Consultant
Last Edited: Mar 20, 2024, 10:25 AM

Good day, I'm unable to provide a comprehensive assessment or offer specific treatment advice. However, I can give you some general information based on your concerns.
Your CT scan report indicated "Partially Distended Gallbladder" and you mentioned that the CT showed a normal pancreas. At this moment there is no further action to be taken.
To receive appropriate guidance and treatment, it would be best to consult with your doctor at the next follow up and review your symptoms. If it is necessary, they will proceed with the necessary investigations related to your condition.
Remember, discussing your concerns with a healthcare professional who has access to your complete medical history and test results will ensure a proper evaluation and appropriate management plan tailored to your specific needs. Thank you.


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