MITRAL VALVE REPAIR, keep in view REPLACEMENT | Gleneagles Hospital


Meiliana Loeis
Jan 7, 2024, 01:04 PM

My husband had been diagnosed Mitral Valve Regurgitation, and strongly suggested to have Mitral Valve Repair, keep in view Replacement.

I would like to learn more about the strp by step processes and detail costs associated for my husband's planned mitral valve surgery.

Specifically, I'm interested in the steps involved in preparing for the surgery, to surgery itself, also until its recovery after surgery and the control treatment plan after recovery, an estimated breakdown of the costs, and any financial assistance options available, such as treatment, medication, or any other required test,

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I look forward to your response

Dr. Talal Reda Mahmoud
Resident Consultant
Last Edited: Jan 10, 2024, 01:17 PM

Hi, I am Dr Talal Reda, Consultant Cardiothoracic surgeon. I will be happy to answer your question. First you need to know that there different types of Mitral regurgitations depending on the etiology or the cause of regurgitation. Also , It is essential to know the age of your husband to plan the choice of the procedure. Echocardioraphy assessment of the morphology (shape) of the mitral valve is of extreme importance if it can be repaired or not.

So my answers to your questions will be more or less generalized and NOT specifically for your husband case as i do not have enough information about his clinical condition.

Preparation for surgery from your side includes only giving medications, if patient has only isolated Mitral regurge with no coronary artery disease and he is NOT in Atrial Fibrillation or Heart failure, then he will be given simple medications to de-load his heart and make it ready for the surgery. The decision of repair or replacement depends on the preoperative Echocardiogram, Patient's age and also on the intra operative assessment of the cardiothoracic surgeon. If patient is for replacement, he will have 2 choices either to replace his mitral valve with a mechanical or biological valve, which again depends on his age, gender and patient's preference on which valve he wants. Surgery for an isolated Mitral valve procedure will typically take around 3-4 hours (skin to skin). during which the patient will be under general anesthesia and he will not be feeling anything. for the post operative care, typically the patient will spend at least one night in the ICU before being transferred to the ward. Patient will be able to go to toilet himself and will be independent 48h after surgery.

He will be encouraged to ambulate and do mild exercise gradually after surgery. Depending of the type of valve implanted or repaired. The patient may have to be on blood thinning medication like warfarin either for life for mechanical valve, or for one month only if it is biological valve or repair.

The cost of surgery in Malaysia for Mitral valve procedure varies depending on the type of valve implanted (replaced) or the use of ring for repair. Usually, biological valves are more expensive than mechanical valves and repair is cheaper than both. the cost may also include coronary angiogram if the patient is above 40-45 years of age.

So roughly the cost will be around RM 80k to RM 100K in most of private hospitals depending on patient general condition and how straight forward is his clinical condition and absence of morbidities. It's essential to remember that every patient is unique, and treatment plans can vary from person to person.

I hope this answered most of your questions.

Please feel free to reach to an experienced cardiothoracic surgeon for specific answers to your query.

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Meiliana Loeis
Jan 11, 2024, 09:30 PM
[Continued] Mitral Valve Surgery
Halo Dr. Talal Reda, Thank you for replying my inquiries previously. Continuing my inquiries, Herewith I explained the chronology of my husband's medical observations : 1. Date : November 28th, ***** at HARAPAN KITA Cardiovascular Hospital Jakarta, by Heart's USG, the doctor diagnosed my husband as severe Mitral Valve Regurgitation and proposed further for TEE observation. 2. Date : December 4th, ***** at HARAPAN KITA Cardiovascular Hospital Jakarta, proceed with TEE observation with result : -Left ventricle is dilated. There is eccentric left ventricular hyperthrophy. LV mass ind 123 g/m2. Global lef ventricular systolic function is normal. LVEF bilang 82%. LV Diastolic Function is abnormal. IvRT/T E-e' 1.9 - Right ventricle is normal size. Wall thickness is normal. Right ventricle systolic function is normal. TAPSE 23.2 mm. - Left atrium is dilated. LAVI 37.4 ml/m2 - Right atrium size is normal. RA area ******* cm2 - Intact interatril septum - Intact interventricular septum - Aortic valve is trileafet. The aortic valve opens well. There is mild aortic regurgitation. ******* mm. There is no valvular aortic. - There is prolapse of P2 and some part of P3. There is severe mitral Regurgitation. MR ******* cm2. MR ******* mm. MR Vol 178 mlm. (PW volumetric). MR RF 74% (PW volumetric). Regurgitation jets is eccentric. Pulmonary vein systolic reversal flow is present. There is no mitral stenosis. No vegetation is seenaknya. - The tricuspid valve structure is normal. Triscupid valve opens well. There is mild triscupid regurgitation. There is no tricuspid stenosis. - The pulmonic valve is grossly normal. Pulmonic valve opens well. There is mild pulmonary regurgitation. PHT 944 ms. There is no pulmonary stenosis. - There is no abnormal mass or thrombus. -Pericardium is normal - Low probability of pulmonary hypertension. TR Vmax 2.2 m/s. The doctor suggest to continue with open-heart surgery to replace or fix the faulty of mitral valve. The doctor said that he will bring my husband's case up to the doctors committee meeting. 3. Date : December 20th, ***** at HARAPAN KITA Cardiovascular Hospital Jakarta, one of surgery's preparation, my husband had Heart Catheter, with result : Normal Coroner. 4. Date : 3 January ***** we went to NHCS Singapore, and did an echocardiogram test, with result : - normal LV size. Normal LV systolic function. LVEF 64% (LVEF simpson biplane). No regional wall motion abnormality. No LV hyperthrophy - Normal LV diastolic function. Septal e' 10.5 cm/s. Lateral e' 11.4 cm/s - Normal right ventricle size. Normal RV systolic function. TAPSE 23mm. TA s' ******* cm/s - Severe left atrium dilatation. LA volume 102 ml (55.24 ml/m2). Normal right atrium. RA Area 14.3 cm2. - Posterior mitral leaflet prolapse (P2, P3). Thickened and redundant mitral valve leaflets. The mitral annulus is dilated (34 mm). At least moderator mitral regurgitation. Systolic pulmonary vein flow blunting, no increase in E velocity. Vena contracta 0.6 cm. Eccentric mitral regurgitation jet anterior directed. - rest of valves are normal. Mild tricuspid regurgitation. Trivial pulmonary regurgitation. - low eechocardiographic probability of pulmonary hypertension. TR velocity is 201 cm/s. PASP 19 mmHg, assumsing memang RAP of 3 mmHg. RVOT AT 137 ms. - Normal aortic root, pulmonary arteri and IVC dimensions. - No pericardial effusion. No thrombus. No vegetation Since the first doctor 's observation on Nov 28th, the medication taken are : 1. Spironolactone 25 mg - 1 tablet at Morning after breakfast 2. Concor 1,25mg - 1 tablet Morning after lunch 3. Lansoprazole 30 mg - 1 tablet Afternoon before lunch (if required) 4. Ramipril 2.5 mg - 1 tablet Night before sleep. Yesterday, the Ramipril was changed to Candersartan 4mg @1 after breakfast and Candersartan 4mg @1 after dinner. My husband 's age is 51 years and 6 months old. Please find my further inquiries based on above facts : 1. For surgery, is it Open-Heart Surgery ? 2. what is more prioritize, for Mitral valve, will it repair or replacement mitral valve or both repair and replacement ? 3. How about the Mild tricuspid regurgitation. Trivial pulmonary regurgitation. Will it be repair too ? 4. There are different fact between Harapan Kita Jakarta and NHCS Singapore about condition of Left Ventricle. Is my husbad 's left ventricle dilated or normal ? 5. Left atrium LAVI on 5Des2023 is 37.4ml/m2 , but on 3Jan2024 ******** ml/m2. Is it normal ? Is that dangerous ? What is the normal LAVI for a man with 51years old, 70kg weight, 167cm height ? 6. For the medication given, are they enough ? 7. If we plan to have surgery at Glenegles Penang, can you give me the more detail treatment and its cost ? A. For preparation: what kind of test and treatment ? How long will it take ? How much ? B. For surgery : how much ? C. For treatment care inpatient after surgery : how long estimation time to stay and how much will it cost ? D. after discharge from hospital : how much are the medication to bring home ? E. For recovery treatment after surgery : what will be the treatment ? Is it like teraphy, exercise, fisiotherapy ? How long will it take ? How much ? F. Control and check back to the doctor after surgery : when should we go back to control and check to the doctor ? How many times / interval? How much will it cost? If possible, please kindly also advise us for other cost incurred, if the most extreme conditions should be taken ( during the preparation, surgery, and its recovery time)., so we can prepare the overall cost too. The reason why i ask this is, we don't want to stop the treatment because of financial issue, I need to prepare the overall cost , including the accomodation for myself too. Please kindly understand, that we are not using any insurance , thus we need to ensure that our own piggy bank’s saving enough to cover the most important cost of process. But still, we want to have the most experience hospital , that’s why we choose GLENEGLES Penang. Sorry for asking so many questions awaiting your reply. Thanks and Best regards