10 Essential Questions About Prostate Enlargement: Insights from Dr. Han Pei Kwong
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10 Essential Questions About Prostate Enlargement: Insights from Dr. Han Pei Kwong

Gleneagles Hospital Johor

The prostate is a key part of the male reproductive system and can sometimes cause discomfort and embarrassment. Many men avoid discussing prostate issues due to their sensitive nature. Dr. Han Pei Kwong, our urology consultant at Gleneagles Hospital Johor, explains everything you need to know about prostate enlargement.

The prostate is a key part of the male reproductive system and can sometimes cause discomfort and embarrassment. Many men avoid discussing prostate issues due to their sensitive nature. Dr. Han Pei Kwong, our urology consultant at Gleneagles Hospital Johor, explains everything you need to know about prostate enlargement.

Why does the prostate enlarge?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: As men age, their prostate naturally enlarges, but the extent varies. If there are no symptoms, treatment is typically not needed.

At what age do men usually experience symptoms of prostate enlargement?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: About 30% of men aged 50-60 have symptoms, and this rises to 80% in men over 80.

How is prostate enlargement detected?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: It requires an ultrasound or other exams. While digital rectal exams are common, I prefer other methods to reduce patient anxiety.

What symptoms suggest prostate enlargement is affecting daily life?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: Symptoms include frequent urination, urgency, slow urine flow, incomplete bladder emptying, and increased nighttime urination. These symptoms can also stem from other issues, so it’s important to get a proper diagnosis.

What’s the difference between prostate enlargement and prostatitis?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: They are different conditions. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic, with various treatments. Chronic prostatitis may cause discomfort and needs further diagnosis and treatment.

What are the treatment options for prostate enlargement?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: Treatment depends on the individual. Mild cases may be managed with medication, but severe cases might need procedures like Laser Enucleation of the Prostate or TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate). Other options include steam therapy, prostatic urethral lift, prostatic artery embolization, and microwave therapy.

What side effects might occur after treatment?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: Short-term side effects include urinary incontinence, discomfort, and blood in the urine, lasting 2-6 weeks. Long-term complications may affect sexual function, urethral structure, retrograde ejaculation, prostate regrowth, and urinary incontinence.

Who is at higher risk for prostate issues?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong:Men with a family history of prostate issues, those with hypertension, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, overweight individuals, and those with low physical activity are at higher risk.

Are there ways to prevent prostate issues?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: Prevention is linked to healthy habits. Avoid holding urine, eat a low-salt and low-fat diet, and exercise regularly. Moderate sexual activity in younger years can also lower prostate cancer risk.

Any advice for men?

Dr. Han Pei Kwong: Don’t ignore symptoms due to pride or embarrassment. Mild symptoms can worsen and lead to severe issues like urinary retention, requiring catheterization or leading to kidney failure. Consult a trusted doctor at the first sign of symptoms and avoid unproven remedies. Early professional treatment is crucial for effective care.

At Gleneagles Hospital Johor, we are dedicated to providing a wide range of urology services to address your concerns. Dr. Han Pei Kwong, a senior and respected urologist in Johor, brings decades of experience and compassionate care in treating prostate conditions. Our modern facilities and personalized treatment plans aim to offer the best care tailored to your needs. Don’t let embarrassment prevent you from seeking help; early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Trust us to support your urology care journey.

Doctor Profile
Han Pei Kwong
Gleneagles Hospital Johor

Gleneagles Hospital Johor
Ambulance / Emergency
+607 560 1111
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