Epidural Anaesthesia FAQs | Gleneagles Hospitals

FAQs About Epidural Anaesthesia

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What is epidural anaesthesia?

Epidural anaesthesia is a procedure in which medication is injected into your back to numb pain in a specific area of your body.

How does epidural anaesthesia work?

When is epidural anaesthesia used?

Who administers epidural anaesthesia?

How is an epidural anaesthesia performed?

How long does an epidural last?

Who should and should not get an epidural?

What are the advantages and side effects of getting an epidural?

Make an Appointment at Gleneagles Hospitals

If you have questions about epidural anaesthesia, get in touch with us to book an appointment today for a consultation, or visit our Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at your nearest Gleneagles Hospital


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