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Our customer service representative will contact you to confirm your appointment within the next working day.
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Kindly note this is not a confirmed appointment.
Our Gleneagles Customer Service team will process your request after you submit it. Please check your inbox for updates following submission.
Our Gleneagles Customer Service team will process your request after you submit it. Please check your inbox for updates following submission.
Appointment Request Summary
Harap konfirmasikan informasi Anda di bawah ini:
Detail Pasien
Kontak darurat
Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu
Ambulans / Gawat Darurat
+6088 518 911
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Ambulans / Gawat Darurat
+603 4141 3018
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
Ambulans / Gawat Darurat
+604 222 9199
Gleneagles Hospital Johor
Ambulans / Gawat Darurat
+607 560 1111
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