Colic in babies is defined as a continual or persistent bout of intense crying for no apparent reason during the first 3 months of life. A baby with colic typically cries for more than 3 hours a day for more than 3 days a week and subsides by the age of 3 to 4 months old
Infants with colic cry intensely, draw their legs to their stomachs, clench their fists, arch their backs, and may have a swollen tummy. Crying might stop once the baby has relieved gas or had a bowel movement.
The causes of colic in babies are unknown. However, these may be some of the contributing factors: discomfort due to gas, hunger, overfeeding, inability to tolerate specific foods or certain proteins in breast milk or formula, reacting strongly to certain stimuli, emotional responses like fear, frustration, or even excitement.
Colic is typically diagnosed once it has followed its usual course of three to four months. Keep track of when your baby cries, when he or she sleeps, what your baby eats and how often, and your baby's bowel movement pattern. These are questions which the doctor may ask during a consultation.
The doctor will also perform a physical examination and some tests to ensure your baby does not have other medical problems such as hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, or intussusception.
It may not be necessary to rush your baby to the doctor for colic. Speak to your doctor for advice and support. You may try some soothing techniques to calm a baby with colic:
Remember to avoid certain actions that may make the situation worse. Do not intensely shake your baby.
Gripe water, a herbal mixture often marketed as a colic remedy, has been associated with safety concerns. Some varieties have been found to contain hazardous substances like glass particles and alcohol. Similarly, a homoeopathic solution, colocynth's (present in Cocyntal and Hyland colic tablets), was also discovered to include dangerous ingredients, including alcohol.
Consult a doctor right away if:
If you are feeling overwhelmed or having thoughts of harming your baby, seek assistance immediately.
Get in touch with us to find out more about our Paediatrics Services at your nearest Gleneagles Hospital if you have any questions about baby colic.
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