Peptic Ulcers
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Peptic Ulcers


Peptic ulcers are painful sores that affect the lining on the stomach, small intestine (the duodenum), or in the esophagus. The erosion in the lining of the stomach can cause inflammation and increasingly high levels of acidic digestive fluids that leads to developing ulcers.

Chronic cases can occur when Peptic Ulcers are left untreated. These complications involve bleeding in the stomach and perforation (tear) of the stomach wall. The Peptic Ulcers are categorized according to where they appear:

- Duodenal Ulcers occur in the duodenum

- Gastric Ulcers occur in the stomach

- Esophagus Ulcers develop in the lower esophagus


The most common causes of Peptic Ulcers might include:

- Excessive alcohol consumption

- Infection that is caused by Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) bacteria. Also, found in the lining of the stomach. Eventually, the protective lining becomes weaker which allows the acid juices to enter the stomach and duodenum lining.

- Long-term use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID) such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen

- Smoking


Peptic Ulcers might not show any symptoms, depending on the severity of your condition. These include:

- Abdominal pain or bloating

- Black stool, which indicates bleeding

- Burning sentation in between meals in the upper stomach

- Changes in appetite

- Heartburn

- Nausea and vomiting

- Unexplained weight loss

- Vomiting of blood


Treatment is suggested based on the cause and severity of your condition. These might include:

- Avoiding the use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAID)

- Refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol

- Surgery, in chronic cases, to fix the lining of the stomach wall and block the bleeding

- Ingesting prescribed antibitotics to destroy the bacteria if you are infected with H.Pylori

- Using acid control medications to neutralise acid levels in the stomach

Complications and Related Diseases
The most common complications of ulcers are bleeding and perforation of the stomach or duodenum wall.

If you have any question, do send us an enquiry

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Gleneagles Hospital Kota Kinabalu
Ambulance / Emergency
+6088 518 911
Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur
Ambulance / Emergency
+603 4141 3018
Gleneagles Hospital Penang
Ambulance / Emergency
+604 222 9199
Gleneagles Hospital Johor
Ambulance / Emergency
+607 560 1111
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