Neurology | Best Neurologist in Kuala Lumpur
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Neurology | Meet the Best Neurologist in Kuala Lumpur

Neurologists investigating neurological disorder

Concerned with the disorders of the nervous system like coverings, blood vessels and connective muscular tissues, neurologists are specialist doctors who assess patients, investigate, diagnose, and treat neurological disorders. They also provide aid in patient condition management. If surgery is required, they may refer the patient to neurosurgeons.

Both neurologists and neurosurgeons generally work as a team to treat diseases and disorders such as epilepsy and seizures, dementia, neuromuscular disorders, head injury, migraines, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, and many others.

Neurology Services at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur

Neurological Diagnostic Tests

These are an array of tests and procedures that identify and diagnose disorders. Once confirmed, your neurological specialist will determine and recommend the appropriate treatment and care options, then create a plan of action to help you get the best possible outcome of recovery. Any chronic health conditions will be taken into consideration in your treatment plan.

Neurological Surgery

Mainly for patients with brain injury, tumor and nervous system disorders, the journey through diagnosis, treatment, recovery, and post-surgery rehabilitation will be accompanied by a compassionate team of healthcare professionals. Patients will experience nothing but the best skill and dedication of neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, radiologists and nurses Gleneagles Hospitals has to offer.

Neuro-Rehabilitation Programme

The most important part of the recovery process, this programme is designed to help patients regain as much daily functionality and personal independence as possible through a comprehensive and tailored-to-fit treatment plan. Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur also offers continuity of care including any advice, counseling and follow up treatment.

Sometimes, lifestyle changes also have to be made or given thoughtful care, especially in dementia patients or those with disorders that require long-term care and treatment. But fret not, our compassionate and practical approach is widely appreciated.

Neurological Disorders Diagnostic Screenings

Those who are experiencing any one or more symptoms associated with neurological disorders, such as muscle weakness, confusion, spasms, seizures, loss of sensation, paralysis, or poor memory and concentration, are recommended to seek immediate professional attention. Intervening early with diagnosis and treatment including potential surgical recommendations can make a world of difference for long-term positive results. If you or any of your loved ones exhibit any of the symptoms above, do get in touch with one of the best neurologists at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur as soon as possible.

Due to the nature of neurological disorders, a large amount of diagnostic tests might be required to ensure accurate screening results.

Our highly specialised and diverse team are ready to carefully screen for any conditions via the following:

A Detailed Medical History

This takes into consideration a detailed historical account of a patient's past and present health as well as medical related events including their family medical history. This type of comprehensive information is extremely valuable in helping our neurology specialists make an accurate diagnosis.


In order to evaluate the structure of the heart as well as blood flow, an ultrasound is used to diagnose heart related conditions.

CT (Computed Tomography) Scans

A computerised x-ray is used to provide cross-sectional imagery of the body in order to collect accurate diagnostic results and determine appropriate forms of treatment for brain tumors, blood clots, broken bones, cancer and others.

Cognitive and Neuropsychological Tests

Mental acuity will be assessed in a series of tests that are designed to measure memory, language, math, visual and spatial recognition. These tests are specifically designed to determine the functioning level of the patient and help spot brain disorders like dementia.

CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) Analysis

Fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord are tested to look for evidence regarding brain conditions such as bacterial meningitis or cancer.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

The usage of a strong magnetic field and radio waves help produce high resolution images of body structures on a computer for the diagnosis of conditions in order for the appropriate treatment to be proposed.

Physical Examination

Patients may have to undergo evaluation of the physical body to help give insight into their general health and motor response times.

Cerebral Angiogram

X-ray images of the heart and veins in the brain are taken, via a minimally invasive diagnostic test when a catheter is inserted into the blood vessel and an iodine-based dye is used.

Symptoms of Neurological Conditions

Neurological conditions encompass a wide range of disorders that affect the nervous system, and their symptoms can be as diverse as the conditions themselves. Recognising these symptoms is often the first step toward diagnosis and treatment. Below is a detailed list of common symptoms that may signal a neurological issue, warranting professional medical attention.

  • Muscle weakness
  • Confusion
  • Spasms
  • Seizures
  • Loss of sensation
  • Paralysis
  • Poor memory or concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Tremors
  • Poor coordination
  • Sleep problems
  • Difficulty swallowing or eating
  • Speech problems
  • Headache

Neurological Conditions

Different from psychiatric conditions, neurological conditions tend to affect parts of the human nervous system whereas psychiatric conditions are more often associated with overall mental health conditions such as mood, thought and behaviour.

List of Neurological Conditions

The following is a list of neurological conditions that are commonly diagnosed and treated by neurologists and neurosurgeons.

  • Epilepsy
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Alzheimer’s and other dementias
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis (treated by Neurosurgeons)
  • Strokes (ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke)
  • Brain tumors (treated by Neurosurgeons)
  • Brain aneurysms (treated by Neurosurgeons)
  • Traumatic head injuries (treated by Neurosurgeons)
  • Bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic neurological infections
  • Dystonia
  • Motor neuron disease
  • Spinal cord injuries

Neurologists at Gleneagles Hospital Kuala Lumpur

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+603 4141 3018
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