Understanding fruit servings per day | Gleneagles Hospitals
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Food & Nutrition
Healthy Diets

Understanding fruit servings per day

19 August 2022 · 10 mins read


The Malaysian Food Pyramid recommends that we consume two servings of fruit each day. How much does a serving include, though? Discover more.

A balanced diet includes a variety of food in various serving sizes that give our bodies the nutrients it needs to function properly and keep us healthy.

A nutritious and well-balanced diet must include fruits and vegetables. A daily diet high in fruits and vegetables is linked to a number of health advantages, particularly in lowering the chance of developing chronic illnesses including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancers.

Examples of a serving of fruit

The Malaysian Food Pyramid recommends that we consume two servings of fruit each day. How much does a serving include, though?

To assist you in meeting your daily fruit requirement, below are some examples of one serving of several fruit types.

Type of fruit One serving
Apple 1 small fruit (130g)
Apricots 1 fresh, 1/2 cup canned or 5 dried
Avocado 1/2 fruit or 1/2 cup

2 small fruits (pisang emas)

1 medium fruit (pisang berangan)

Blueberries 1/2 cup fresh, frozen, or canned
Dragonfruit 1/2 medium fruit
Grapefruit 1/2 fruit
Grapes 6-8 pieces (50g) or depending on size
Guava 1/2 medium fruit
Honeydew 1 slice/wedge
Kiwi 2 small fruits
Mango 1 small fruit
Orange 1 small fruit (130g)
Papaya 1 slice
Pear 1 small fruit (130g)
Pineapple 1 slice/wedge
Plum 2 small fruits
Prunes or dried plums 6 prunes or 1/4 cup
Strawberries 1/2 cup fresh, frozen, or canned
Watermelon 1 slice/wedge

Tips to include fruits into your daily diet

  • Do your best to include different types of fruits in each main meal
  • Be mindful of the recommended portion size for different types of fruits
  • Prioritise fresh fruits over fruit juices and dried/preserved fruits because these contain high amount of added sugar
  • Naturally dried and unsweetened fruits can be a good option too
  • If you have to take fruit juices, ensure they are without added sugar

Make an appointment at Gleneagles Hospitals

Contact the team of dietitians at your nearest Gleneagles Hospital if you have questions about nutrition and to get professional dietary advice in your journey towards better health.

If you would like to make an appointment for health screening, please contact the health screening centre at the Gleneagles Hospital nearest to you.


  1. Malaysian Food Pyramid. Available at http://www.myhealth.gov.my/en/malaysian-food-pyramid-2/ [Accessed on 22 July 2022]
  2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Available at https://www.moh.gov.my/moh/images/gallery/Garispanduan/diet/km5.pdf [Accessed on 22 July 2022]
