Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G)


Obstetrics and gynaecology are two surgical medical specialties dealing with female reproductive health and organs in pregnant (obstetrics) and non-pregnant (gynaecology) women. O&G specialists cover both areas of specialties including childbirth and delivery, as well as women’s general health of the female reproductive system

Prenatal and maternity services

- Pre-conception care and pregnancy diagnosis

- Routine antenatal screening programme

- External cephalic version

- Specialised investigations

- Cardiotocography

- Ultrasound scanning/Fetal medicine

- Epidural anaesthesia

- Parentcraft classes

- Antenatal care

For expectant mothers and their developing babies, antenatal care consists of medical and midwifery attention. Good antenatal care allows for the mother to care for herself as well as her unborn or newborn child. Medical advice, good nutrition as well as exercise, res and avoiding unwanted risks advocate for a successful pregnancy.

Other specialised services

- Diagnostic hysteroscopy and currettage

- Endometrial ablation for heavy bleeding

- Hysteroscopic resection of the endometrium for heavy bleeding

- Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids

- Hysteroscopic resection/division of uterine septum

- Fenton's procedure

- Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy (repair)

- Vaginal hysterectomy

- Sacrospinous fixation for vault prolapse

- Tension-free vaginal tape

- Obturator (TVT-o) for stress incontinence

- Colposuspension

- Cosmetic vaginal surgery including labial reduction

- Fistula repair

- Basic Colposcopy

- Colposcopy and biopsy

- Large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ / LEEP) under local or general anaesthetic

- Diagnostic laparoscopy

- Level 2 and 3 laparoscopy including removal of ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, removal of ovarian masses, division of adhesions, treatment of endometriosis

- Laparoscopic myomectomy

- Laparoscopic hysterectomy

- Laparoscopic Excision of rectovaginal nodules for endometriosis

Minor and open Gynacological services and procedures

- Difibulation (correction of FGM)

- Surgical management of vulval and vaginal cysts/lesions

- Bartholin's abscess/cysts

- Cervical cerclage

- Abdominal Hysterectomy +/- removal of ovaries

- Ovarian cystectomy

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