
Movement and Body pain is more than a surface-level issue

Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal system (joints, bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and muscles), which is often overlooked, and more often than not, Malaysians resort to short cuts such as supplements & ointments to remedy any aches or pain, without actually addressing the root cause of the discomfort.

Take control of the way you move, now

The #MovementMatters event focuses on educating and creating awareness on the importance of better bone and joint health. We invite you to make a positive change by getting the right medical recourse and taking part in our series of events. Those who attend will have the opportunity to participate in an informative and interactive journey towards understanding and improving their bones and joints health.
Visitors are also encouraged to take creative pictures and post it on their social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram using the #MovementMatters hashtag and share it with your friends and family.

Embark on a journey towards taking
the first step in assessing your bones and joints.

Join us and take the challenge at our #MovementMatters event. It's time to give your bone and joint health the care it needs.

Kuala Lumpur

LaLaport, KL

Walkway [Ground Floor]

15th - 19th March



Toppen, Johor

Level 1 [In front of Starbucks]

22nd - 26th March



Gurney Plaza, Penang

Extension Wing[Ground Floor]

29th March - 2nd April


Overcoming bone and joint issues begins with knowledge

Click below to find out more about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for bone and joint conditions.