Janji Temu
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For phone bookings, call +607 560 1000
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Your appointment request has been submitted!

An email will be sent to {|CustomerEmail|}
Our customer service representative will contact you to confirm your appointment within the next working day.

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Appointment Request Summary

Harap konfirmasikan informasi Anda di bawah ini:

Lokasi rumah sakit

Dokter yang disukai




Detail Pasien
Nomor IC / Nomor paspor


Nama Lengkap

Alamat Email*

Tanggal lahir

Eg: +60*

Nomor kontak

Kondisi/ Gejala medis saat ini*

Kindly note this is not a confirmed appointment.
Our Gleneagles Customer Service team will contact you to finalize your appointment date & time based on doctor's availability.
Kontak darurat
Gleneagles Hospital Johor
Ambulans / Gawat Darurat
+607 560 1111
Pilih Rumah Sakit
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