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How it Works?
How it Works?
Instant access to top specialists

Get real-time consultation by the experts and learn about treatment options quickly.

Instant access to top specialistsGet real-time consultation by the experts and learn about treatment options quickly.

Consult From Anywhere

Speak to Top Specialists of your choice no matter where you are.

Consult From AnywhereSpeak to Top Specialists of your choice no matter where you are.

Free 10-Minute Advice
(For eHeathChat)

FREE 10-minute conversation on video or call with your selected doctor about general wellness and advice.

Free 10-Minute Advice
(For eHeathChat)
FREE 10-minute conversation on video or call with your selected doctor about general wellness and advice.

Private and secure

Secured online platform for private discussions between doctors and patients.

Private and secureSecured online platform for private discussions between doctors and patients.

Free Registration

Enjoy free registration when you make an appointment with your preferred specialist on eHealth

Free RegistrationEnjoy free registration when you make an appointment with your preferred specialist on eHealth

Medicine delivered to your doorstep
(For eHealthConsult)

Stay in the comfort of your home as we deliver your medications to you.

Medicine delivered to your doorstep
(For eHealthConsult)
Stay in the comfort of your home as we deliver your medications to you.