Gleneagles Medini Allocates Resources for Media
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Gleneagles Medini Allocates Resources for Media

Gleneagles Hospital Johor

Media practitioners in Johor gets complimentary RT-PCR test

NUSAJAYA, 15th July – Gleneagles Hospital Medini announces special allocation to look after media representatives in Johor. With the rise in number of positive cases recently, the Hospital is taking a step ahead to ensure the essential roles that the media has to play, continues amidst the pandemic.

“COVID-19 is here to stay, and we understand the responsibility that everyone in the media industry shoulder. They too, are frontliners – who are vulnerable to the virus, and we would like to make sure all our media practitioners are able to work and to keep their family safe”, said Dr. Kamal Amzan, Chief Executive Officer of Gleneagles Hospital Medini Johor.

GHMJ media engagement

The Hospital announces special allocation for media representatives in Johor requiring RT-PCR test, on-demand, and presented essential items to members of media, in collaboration with Kelab Media Johor. The Hospital will continue to play its part for the community in the spirit of #kitajagakita.


For more information on this release, please contact us at 075601000

Gleneagles Hospital Johor
Ambulance / Emergency
+607 560 1111
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